关键词:宁鸿彬;语文教学; 设计思路; 研究价值
Abstract:Through analyzing teacher NingHong-bin’s lesson, it is easy for us to discover that Ning’s teaching process obviously reflects the four phases: primary reading-analysis-inspiration-generalization. It represents that Ning’s design of teaching process has been characterized by personalization. To some extent , it not only enriches the design patterns of teaching process , but also provides us a good idea to grasp the design of teaching process .
Key words:Ninghongbin; Chinese teaching; Design ideas; value of the research
一般而言,一位教师在长期的教学过程中会形成一个主导的教学程序样式,并能够在不同的课堂上,根据不同的需要进行适当的变化。宁鸿彬老师就是如此。他在教学过程中形成了基本教学模式:“熟读—质疑—解疑—总结—运用”。 [1](p342)我参照宁先生关于教学思考与实践的观点,以及对宁先生的教学过程进行分析,得出他的基本教学模式相对应的程序便是:初读、分析、再启发、总结阶段。笔者将根据这些不同阶段对宁先生的设计思路进行分析,探讨价值。