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ABSTRACT:Tess of the d’Urbervilles is one of the most significant works of Thomas Hardy, the outstanding English novelist and poet. The plot of the story is very impressive and of high literary and artistic value. Since its publication, Tess has received a strong appeal for readers and also literary critics. This paper attempts to classify and summarize the reasons that cause the inevitability of Tess’s tragedy from two different dimensions through literature review. Facing the turbid and absurd life, Hardy with his exquisite observation and skillful writing techniques, successfully presents Tess’s inevitable tragedy. Facing so many difficulties, Tess never considers giving up. Instead, she keeps struggling and working hard. As a character, her sense of responsibility, rebellious spirit and zest for life deserve our admiration and learn. 

Keywords: Thomas Hardy  Tess  Tragedy  Reasons


摘要: 《德伯家的苔丝》是英国著名小说家、诗人托马斯·哈代的代表作。其故事情节曲折动人,有很高的文学价值和艺术价值。自小说出版以来,一直深受读者和批评家们的关注。本文旨在对国内近十年来关于造成苔丝悲剧命运原因的相关文献资料进行综述,总结前人的主要研究成果,力求从外在和内在两个方面探讨苔丝悲剧必然性的原因。面对混乱和荒谬的生活,哈代以敏锐的洞察力和卓绝的叙述技巧成功地表现了苔丝不可避免的悲剧。即使饱受磨难打击,苔丝也没有放弃生命,而是以她特有的积极向上的生命活力坦然地面对世俗所赋予她的一切,坚强地与生命作斗争。这种精神给人以深刻的印象并让人为之叹服。

关键字:托马斯·哈代  苔丝  悲剧  原因