Abstract:Advertising is not only a product of economy, but also of culture. Since different areas or countries have their special cultures, the advertisings produced in different cultural backgrounds may be characterized by their own cultural features. Due to the fact that there are great differences between Chinese and American advertisings, especially sexual advertisings, advertisers should take target markets’ cultural features into account, so as to create effective advertisings that can be accepted by the local people.
This thesis aims to address the issues of how different attitudes people from different countries have toward sexual advertising and the underlying reasons for it by looking into their different cultural backgrounds and recent research, analyzing some specific cases of “sexual advertising” in Chinese and American advertising field for the purpose of comparing the cultural differences between Chinese and American people. Then, the dissertation provides advertisers who would like to penetrate the world market with some useful suggestions.
Key Words: sexual advertising; Advertising ethics; cultural differences
关键词:性感广告; 广告伦理;文化差异