Abstract:Holden Caulfield, the protagonist in the novel The Catcher in the Rye, left school and loafed or wandered on the streets of New York. His wandering experience reflected the pathologic feature of American society. In such a society, inspirations were lacking, morality was ruined, and even the whole cultural system was twisted or distorted. Under such circumstances, people desired or needed understanding and communication. According to the analysis of Holden’s wandering experience in New York, and the people he met, this dissertation tries to diagnose the cause of the moral panic and the distorted culture of America. In 1950s, not long after the World War II, the American society suffered from the process of “Ruin-Recovery-Reformation”. During this process, the economy was booming, the urbanization was developing rapidly, and there was a severe collision with the traditional concept or ideas. Under the impact and influence of the medium on the younger generation, the ideas of the old generation were considered out-of-date, and were never suitable to educate the younger generation. Consequently, the problem of moral panic and the disaster of the distortion of the American culture derived from a mass of hypocritical people striking for a luxurious life.
Key Words: Holden Caulfield; American society; Cultural system; Moral panic; Hypocritical