Abstract:In semantics, there exists constraint in the collocation of a sentence’s components. Sense relation of the collocation is conventional and is decided by the selectional restriction. However, in many works of the modernist and post-modernist writers, the employment of the stream-of-consciousness technique has brought to light much evidence that language in literary works can violate the selectional restriction, and the lexical collocations in the descriptive sentences, too, can go against the semantic convention. This paper is aimed at analyzing the ways how modernists or post-modernists violate the semantic conventions in the adoption of the stream-of-consciousness technique, as well as the literary significance brought by such a semantic breakthrough.
Key Words: selectional restriction, semantic convention, collocation, the stream of consciousness
In their works, they achieved semantic breakthrough by employing anomalous collocations and psychological-time narration. Anomalous collocations provoke into readers’ cognition and inspire their rich imagination, which in return leave innovative impressions on readers. Thus, in the stream-of-consciousness writing, the unconventional sentences has acquired their unique value and gone beyond the language form to arouse attentions of readers. Such measures, functioning as rhetorical devices, add precision and depth to the language. Additionally, authors’ bold adoption of psychological time successfully brings readers into a multidimensional world. That semantic breakthrough has brought great significance to the literature.