ABSTRACT:As the new curriculum reform, the new philosophy of education has been formed, and also has been brought into classroom. Sentence patterns teaching is one of the difficult parts in English teaching. This paper focuses on the application of competitive methods. It is used less in English sentence patterns teaching. Although some teachers have used, but their research and analysis about it is not specific enough. This paper analyzes and summarizes the characteristics of competitive methods, the material of “Go for it”,and the junior students so that competitive methods can be used in the sentence patterns teaching of “Go for it”. At the same time, teachers would change their traditional teaching model and improve the interest of students.
Keywords: Competitive Methods; Junior High School Students; Go for It; Application of Teaching
In the English textbooks of junior high school, almost each lesson has a key sentence patterns. Its purpose lies in practicing this sentence, enables students to master English language structure, and develops their language habits, so that they can use English language flexibly. Therefore, it’s very important to teach sentence in junior high school. The traditional method is that teachers read and translate every sentence for students. The students are asked to read and recite those sentences. This kind of method makes the classroom inflexible and hard in mobilizing students’ enthusiasm and initiative. It is difficult for junior high school students to learn English sentence well. In order to make the junior high school students are interested in English study, and to master English sentence better, to meet the needs of curriculum reform, the author introduces the content of competitive methods teaching. The competitive atmosphere can strengthen the initiative of students so that they can understand and record the sentence patterns better. And it’s helpful to improve the efficiency of study and to facilitate the lasting maintenance of sentence pattern. So the purpose of this paper is to develop the interest of junior high school students in English leaning so that they can regain their enthusiasm to learning English patterns and animate the atmosphere of classroom in English sentence teaching. What’s more, students can memorize the sentences of "Go for it" easier. And it is good for implementing specific requirements and objectives of English teaching.