ABSTRACT:As the development of science and technology, the world is coming smaller and smaller. The communication between different countries gets more frequent. And then translation is regarded to be the very important tool for communication naturally, for it is the bridge between two languages. The translation of idiom is certainly to be a very difficult part in translation, because idioms are the treasures of nationality, cultures, customs, and religions, etc. Except the origins of idioms, a lot of the features of idioms demand translators to master. We also need to know the relative skills and ways of translation for a good idioms’ translation.
Key words: English idioms; the features of English idioms; the liberal translation; the literal translation
The communication between China and Western countries is getting frequent, no matter in written or spoken. Translation becomes a hot topic, being studied by a lot of people. The idioms’ translation is the difficult part in translation, because the idioms are the carrier of the histories, the customs, the religions, the cultures, the masterpieces, and the living of the people. Every idiom has its own background and origin, what is the most difficult job to the translators. There is not short cut but work hard to learn more and more idioms and their backgrounds. The meaning of each idiom is stable. The meaning of every idiom also could not be guessed by adding the meaning of each element together. So translators’ job becomes more difficult, they could not guess the meaning of the idioms easily even through contexts. What they could do is to accumulate idioms one by one, and remember their meanings strictly. For a good translator accumulates many English idioms is not enough, he also has to have the enough storage of Chinese idioms for a fluency Chinese translation. Some English idioms have the equivalences in Chinese, which the translators also need to accumulate. But it is difficult and impossible for a translator to know all idioms no matter existed idioms or new created idioms. So the translators have to master the translation ways for expressing version. There are two ways roughly separated: the literal translation and the liberal translation. Mastering two ways could resolve the problem when the translators come cross the idioms they do not know. In a word, the translation is a very important job in this smaller and smaller world, and the translation of idioms is a very hard part of translation, so translators must pay more attention to idioms, no matter Chinese and English idioms.