Abstract:With the increasing economic globalization and China’s entering WTO, Chinese enterprises have obtained more chances to take part in the international competition in global market. Corporate promotional materials, which represent the image of the enterprise, are the way for clients to understand the enterprise. Well translated promotional materials are beneficial for enterprises to promote the reputation and competitiveness of their products or services so as to attract potential customers in foreign countries. Therefore, the translation of corporate promotional materials plays an important role for enterprises to develop overseas markets. Newmark develops Text Typology and divides texts into three types: expressive texts, informative texts and vocative texts, which provides theoretical foundation for translators better translating corporate promotional materials.
Key words: corporate promotional materials Text Typology semantic translation communicative translation
关键词: 企业外宣材料;文本类型理论;语义翻译;交际翻译
Chinese enterprises have much more opportunities to involve themselves in the international market with the development of globalization and its entering into WTO. It is high time for them to pay attention to the translation of corporate promotional materials to promote the products and services and broaden overseas market. In recent years, many scholars and translators have turned their research angle to this field, but the quality is not satisfying. In this thesis, based on the analysis of the text types of corporate promotional materials, the author points out that translators need to adopt different translation methods according to textual functions to achieve the purpose of publicizing.
Two major findings can be drawn from this thesis. To begin with, when dealing with the translation of corporate promotional materials, the text type should be considered. According to Newmark, texts have three functions: vocative functions, informative functions and expressive functions. There’s no text purely vocative, informative or expressive, and most texts are the combination of the functions but somewhat emphasize on one of them. In terms of the function of corporate promotional materials, they are typical vocative texts, but also intermingled with informative texts and expressive texts. Second, due to the main functions and types of corporate promotional materials, different translation methods are adopted. Communicative translation is usually used to translate vocative and informative texts by transmitting referential content and representing objects and facts to produce the same effect on the target language readers and elicit desired response, while semantic translation is employed to do with expressive texts in order to be faithful to the original text as soon as possible and keep the aesthetic and language features, and to reproduce the precise contextual meaning of the author.