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  • 更新时间:2014-01-25
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ABSTRACT:Anna’s tragedy reflects that society at that time the poignant social contradiction and the subjection of women. Anna Karenina is one of the masterpieces of Leo Tolstoy’s works. It is believed that tragedy plays a vital role in the history of literature, and plenty of essential significances can be discovered with the study of the tragedy. This paper attempts to seek out more reasons of Anna Karenina’s tragic fate and why Anna’s fate ended up with tragedy by means of studying the surroundings where Anna lived, the women’s status at that time and Anna’s character. The results of this study show that both the social reasons and Anna Karenina’s personal character lead to Anna’s tragic fate, but the social reasons are the main reasons. The thesis just hopes to provide a help for others in studying the tragedy of Anna. 

Key words:  Anna Karenina;Tragedy;Social reasons;Female status Personal characters



关键词:安娜卡列尼娜  悲剧  社会原因  女性地位  性格原因