ABSTRACT:With the globalization of the world market and increasingly implementation of China’s opening-up policy, a great number of foreign products pour into Chinese market. Then, trademark translation becomes more and more significant because a suitable trademark can provoke the consumers’ good associations, facilitate the absorption of foreign investment, introduce advanced technology, upgrade product quality, and promote the development of a globalized economy.
According to some researches, male consumers show strong rational disposable capacity when going shopping, they pay more attention to the basic functions and practical utility of the goods. While female consumers usually focus on the appearance of goods and the emotional factors. Therefore, female consumers are very essential for different kinds of companies.to provoke the consumers’ good associations and to stimulate their desire for purchasing the products, grounded on some translation methods and from the perspective of consumer psychology.
As a qualitative study, this thesis will provide several suggestions, so as to help translators to do more excellent trademark translations in future.
Key words: Trademark Translation Consumer Psychology Female Psychology
据研究显示,男性消费者在购物时有较强的理性支配能力, 较注重商品的基本功能和实际效用,而女性消费者则更注重商品的外观及所体现的情感因素,可见,把握女性的消费心理,对于保证市场份额更为重要。因此,本文从新浪网上随机抽取了118个外国女性品牌的商标作为为研究对象,通过统计分析,筛选出使用频率最高的几个汉字,以女性品牌为例,分析译者是如何从消费心理学的角度,基于一定的翻译方法,做出能引起消费者的有益联想并激发其购买欲望的翻译的。
关键词:商标翻译 消费者心理学 女性心理学