ABSTRACT:Business letter is an indispensable medium during the process of commercial activities. By sending them to our trade partners, we can negotiate business, solve the problems existing in commercial activities, exchange information, pass on friendship as well as establish the image of enterprises. The function of it determines that the language of business letter must be formal and courteous. Fortunately, politeness strategies in pragmatics can be applied to the writing of business letter. The thesis emphasizes on manifesting Brown & Levinson’s politeness strategies in business letter. The thread of politeness strategies lies in face-saving theory (FST), and face-threatening acts (FTAs). Henceforth, each of the manifestations centers on elaborating how the sample of business letter applies the FST and avoids the FTAs. Based on the detailed explanation, the thesis comes to a conclusion that we should carefully apply different strategies to different circumstances so as to write polite and effective business letter.
Keywords: politeness strategies; business letter; application
摘 要: 商业信函是贸易活动中必不可少的一种媒介。通过它人们可以洽谈业务、协商问题、交换信息、增进友谊、并且树立公司形象。商业信函的功能决定了它必须使用正式用语和礼貌用语,而语用学中的礼貌原则可以用来指导商业信函写作这个实践活动。本文重点阐释了Brown 和Levinson的礼貌策略在商业信函中的具体运用。面子保全论和面子威胁行为这两条主线贯穿于Brown 和Levinson的理论,于是对礼貌策略在商业信函中的运用的阐释也围绕着面子保全论和面子威胁行为来展开。通过阐述每一种礼貌策略在具体语境中的运用,本文得出结论:为了写出既符合礼貌准则又实用有效的商业信函,我们必须学会根据具体情况运用适宜的礼貌策略。
关键词:礼貌策略; 商业信函; 应用