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  • 更新时间:2014-06-06
  • 论文字数:6117
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Abstract:Stephen Crane is one of the most influential American writers of the late ninetenth century. His masterpiece The Red Badge of Courage pubished in 1895 makes him world-famous. It has been widely acknowledged as a classic in American literary history. In the novel, Crane adopts symbolism to express his naturalistic thoughts. Symbolism successfully helps Crane express important themes in such a short novel. This thesis attempts to analyze symbolism used in the novel, expecial the image of colors, and also makes a detailed analysis of the effect of those color words to get a better understanding and appreciation of the work.

Key words: Stephen Crane; Symbolism; colors; effect



关键词:斯蒂芬·克莱恩; 象征主义; 颜色; 作用