Abstract: With the universal use of new-edited middle English books and the deepening reform of teaching, great changes have been taken place in the English Language Teaching in middle school, among which is an obvious indication that it is natural to use English in managing teaching. Gone are the days when teachers’ using Chinese in English classroom. On the other hand, the teacher’ classroom language is both an important tool of managing the teaching and a significant source of students’ language acquisition, so teachers’ classroom English is worth researching. In the first part the author describes the definition of the teacher’s classroom language, and then gives the classification of it. Furthermore, the author points out some problems of it according the observations and some principles that the teacher should stick to when using their classroom language. In the fifth part, the author points out the functions of teacher’s classroom language in students’ English learning.
Key words: teacher’s language; English classroom teaching; function
摘要:随着中学英语新版教材的普遍使用和教学改革的不断深入, 中学英语课堂教学的面貌发生了很大的变化,其中,一个明显的标志就是用英语组织课堂教学已成为很自然的事情,以往那种汉语充斥着英语课堂的状况已一去不复返了,另一方面,教师课堂用语既是教师组织教学的工具,又是学生语言习得的重要来源,所以教师课堂用语是一个值得探讨的问题。作者首先阐述了教师课堂用语的定义,进行对其做出分类。紧接着作者通过观察的形式,指出教师课堂用语存在某些问题,然后概述教师在使用课堂用语时应遵循的几个原则。最后指出教师课堂用语对学生学习英语的作用。