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Abstract: Language taboo is the reflection of social taboo in language. Researching Chinese and English taboos aims at helping people communicate efficiently in the inter-cultural communication and avoid misunderstanding and affront. The thesis briefly introduces the definition, classification and feature of taboo words firstly; then it analyzes the differences from five different aspects. The origin of differences is that two languages experienced respective historical baptism, and they have the different social cultures. Therefore, it is hoped that this analysis can enable readers to know themselves as well as the counterparts, seeking common ground when reserving differences and communicate efficiently in the inter-cultural communication. 

Key words:  taboo words; Chinese and English; difference


摘要: 语言禁忌是社会禁忌在语言中的反应。研究英汉禁忌语的目的在于帮助谈话者在跨文化交际中进行有效交流,避免误会及冒犯。本文先简要地介绍了禁忌语的定义,分类和特点,然后着重从五个不同的方面研究中英禁忌语的差异,并从中了解到这些差异的根源是由于中英两种语言各自经历了不同的历史长河的洗礼,拥有不同的社会文化背景。希望通过本文的研究,使读者在跨文化交际中能够知己知彼,求同存异,有效沟通。

关键词: 禁忌语;中英;差异