Abstract:This paper is dedicated to exploring Louisa May Alcott’s literary design of the character growing path of Jo March in Little Women. From the development of the growing path of Jo March, we can find that the facts can affect her life, and finally made her a little woman. Jo is a unique character in this novel. And this paper tries to analyze the facts that affect her personalities. The paper will analyze the growing path from three aspects according to what happened in the novel. The first aspect is money and material satisfaction, Jo learns how to handle money issues from this experience. The second aspect is a sister’s death. Beth's death serves as the catalyst that will finally motivate Jo into moving away and beginning her career as a writer. The third aspect is love and marriage. Jo finally chooses her own dream. She completes her dream rather than be a normal housewife. And she finally had grown up to a little woman.
Key words: Little Women, Jo March, growing path