Abstract:In literature research in different English journals published from 2001 to 2009 in China, one hundred and forty-five articles were identified on the topic of autonomy learning. Among them, eighty-three articles are related to improvements of college students’ abilities of autonomy learning. Thirty articles target on English major students. This paper is a literature review, which focuses on the improvement of the English major college students’ abilities of autonomy learning.
This paper reviews the definitions and theoretical bases of autonomy learning and summarizes different view points on the improvement of English major college students in their abilities of autonomy learning.
Key words: English major college students, autonomy learning, improvement
本文在引言部分阐述文章的写作目的,简要叙述资料的出处及搜集过程,将所查文献进行分类,第二部分就中外学者就自主学习能力提高这一问题上的相关研究进行了梳理及总结,包括各学者对“自主学习”及“自主学习能力”的不同定义, 并将所有文献中关于英语专业学生自主学习英语能力提高的相同观点进行分类总结。
关键词: 英语专业学生,自主学习能力培养,能力提高