Abstract: Commercial trade links between countries have become increasingly frequent. Business English correspondence is given more attention as a widely used contact way and information carrier. Its linguistic art is very important when conveying the message through business English correspondence. Polite business English correspondence can not only contribute to business trade, but also improve and strengthen bilateral relations, and promote cooperation. This paper aims to discuss the Politeness Principle used in business English correspondence from grammatical and lexical aspect by analyzing and comparing plenty of examples and helps us in understanding the language features of the business English correspondence.
Key words: application; Politeness Principle; business English correspondence;
摘要:如今,各国之间商业贸易联系日益频繁。商务英语函电作为一种广泛使用的联系方式和信息载体越来越受到关注,当通过外贸书信形式传达信息时商务信函的语言艺术尤其重要。礼貌得体的外贸信函不仅有助于商业贸易,而且能提高并加强双边贸易关系,促进合作。本文通过大量实例比较,从语法和词汇两个方面分析礼貌原则在外贸函电中的运用 ,旨在帮助我们更好地解读外贸函电英语的语言特点。