Abstract:Amy Tan published her first novel the Joy Luck Club, according to the experience of her mother as well as her grandmother, which achieved a huge success since its publication in the year of 1989. The Joy Luck Club has remained on the best seller list for nine months of the New York Times.
Chinese cultural elements were in every single word of the Joy Luck Club. With the collision between mother and daughter, Amy Tan presented that both Suyuan and Lindo were announcers and a protector of Chinese culture, and they kept Chinese tradition in blood; while both Jing Mei and Waverly resisted whatever mother did for them at first. However, under the influence of their mothers, they finally understood mothers’ painful effort and became the receivers of Chinese culture and tradition, realizing the Chinese-ness in blood. We may say it is Chinese cultural elements that make all these achieved.
This paper will be divided into three parts: in the first part, Suyuan founded the Joy Club which was a traditional Chinese game with a propitious name to pursue “joy” and “luck”. The second part was about how did mothers taught their daughters by words and influenced them by deeds with both the stories of Suyuan and Lindo by telling the story of a Chinese custom at the dinner table, Chinese way of education and a fair Chinese character---modesty. In the third part, both Jing Mei and Waverly understood their mothers’ painful efforts. Jing Mei came back to China with her mother’s biggest wish---meeting with her twin sisters; Waverly accepted not only her Chinese face but also the Chinese-ness in her blood. From their stories we can see how did Chinese cultural elements influence their behaviors and how did them inherit the Chinese-ness in their blood.
Key Words: mother, protector, daughter, receiver, Chinese cultural elements
摘 要:《喜福会》是美国华裔著名女作家谭恩美的第一部长篇小说,也是她的成名作,曾连续八个月荣登《纽约时报》畅销书,成为1989年美国四大畅销书之一,多次获奖并拍成电影。在小说中,作者讲述了四个家庭、母女两代人的故事,描写她们之间心理隔阂和感情冲撞,展现了中西方不同的教育方式以及母爱的表现形式,特别是通过中国母亲吴夙愿和女儿吴精美冲突和理解的故事展示了中国传统文化元素对美国女儿的影响和作用,最终使其认同、接受母亲的言行。
关键词: 母亲、 守护者、 女儿、 接收者、中国传统文化元素