Abstract:Nowadays the world economies are facing the integration of global market and the irresistible trend of international competition. In such highly competitive and variable business environment, the traditional method of marketing could not satisfy the request of the development of enterprises. As an efficient method of marketing, Word-of-mouth has enjoyed a good reputation of low cost, high credibility and fast spreading.
Along with the increase of consumer’s rationality and independent consciousness, the traditional marketing method, which primarily confines the sellers as the message sender and the consumers as the receiver, bears little influence on consumer’s buying behaviors. Many success cases suggest that word-of-mouth may be proved to be the most potential marketing tool in the 21st century. The internet provides consumers with a large amount of product information. With the rapid development of SPACE and BLOG, more and more consumers share their after-use evaluation and experience with others through the internet. This thesis is intended to describe the connotation of word-of-mouth and introduce the application of this method in China by enumerating the previous research achievement and academic documents.
Key words: word-of-mouth; internet; experience economy; one-to-one marketing
中文摘要:在二十一世纪的今天,世界经济正以势不可挡的趋势朝着全球市场一体化、商业竞争国际化的方向发展, 在高度竞争、瞬息万变的市场环境中,传统的市场营销方式已经不能完全满足企业求生存、求发展的要求。口碑营销作为营销传播的一种有力方式,其日益增强的力量正在被人们重新认识。