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Abstract:This paper aims to discuss what kind of figures of speech are used in English phrases, slangs, idioms and proverbs and consolidate the fact that rhetorical devices are ubiquitously used in them. 

   Before I conducted my study, some predecessors in linguistic area had made some researches on this aspect. He Chaolan, a lecturer in the Department of Foreign Languages Hunan Polytechnic University, carried out a tentative discussion of rhetorical device of pun in English idioms. She dwelled on both homonyms puns and homophones puns used in English idioms. Some studied the rhetorical devices used merely in those idioms that only describe animals. Generally speaking, at present, studies made on English idioms are far less than those made on English literatures and English translation. 

   I embarked on this paper from the rhetorical point of view to closely study one of the features of English idioms with the intention that English learners can have a good grasp and application of English idioms so as to make our English expression more contagious and convincing.


Key words: rhetorical devices; English idioms; ubiquity