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Abstract:The Old Man and the Sea is one of the most important works in the 20th century literature in America, which the author Ernest Hemingway was awarded Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954. 

   Hemingway once said"Man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated."Santiago is endowed with this optimistic attitude towards life-courage, confidence, positive and never give up. Therefore, 87 days in the sea, he conquers all the difficulties, and becomes the final spiritual winner. This paper aims to analyze the relevance of the old man's character and his destiny, in order to conclude that brave, confident, positive and never giving up spirit can change the tragic fate and make the genuine intellectual aristocrat.

Key word:  The Old Man and the Sea; Hemingway; Santiago; Characteristic; Destiny


摘  要:《老人与海》是二十世纪文学界经典著作之一,一经问世就受到读者和评论界的好评,作者海明威凭借此作获得1954年的诺贝尔文学奖。


关键词: 《老人与海》; 海明威; 桑提亚哥; 性格; 命运