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Abstract:The paper is dedicated to an interpretation of symbols in Alice Walker’s Pulitzer Prize-winning novel–The Color Purple, in order to reflect its theme of womanism. The colors – black, blue, red and purple – symbolize black women represented by the main character Celie, low but beautiful, depressed but expectant, courageous and desirous of freedom. In the eyes of an ignorant Celie, God is an absolute authority; in the eyes of an awakened Celie, God is a shaken authority; and in the eyes of an independent Celie, God is hope and love. The sewing scenes stand for sisterhood among women and harmony between both sexes. Walker successfully reflects her theme of womanism – black women should be brave enough to rebel against the sexual and racial discriminations confronting them – through the highly symbolic elements, and thus achieves a thematic unity in her novel. Womanism represents one of Walker’s major contributions to the study of literature and feminism.

Key words: symbol, color, God, sewing scenes


摘 要:本论文通过文本细读,分析爱丽丝·沃克所著《紫颜色》中的几个主要象征——颜色,上帝,及缝补场景,从而揭示小说的女性主义主题,为现代女性如何获得独立自强增添一个新视角。一、黑、蓝、红、紫等颜色象征以西丽为代表的黑人女性:美丽却地位低下、忧郁却充满期待、勇于追求、渴望自由。二、在无知的西丽眼中,上帝象征权威;在觉醒的西丽眼中,上帝是一个摇摇欲坠的权威;在独立的西丽眼中,上帝是希望和爱。三、缝补场景象征黑人女性姐妹情谊的形成以及最终两性的和谐相处。研究者得出结论:通过使用颜色,上帝,及缝补场景等象征,爱丽丝·沃克成功地向读者表达了她的女性主义思想,即黑人女性应勇于反抗所面临的性别与种族双重歧视,从而达到主题的和谐统一,这也是沃克对文学与女性主义研究的一个重要贡献。
