Abstract:Translation of movie titles plays an vital role in producing and popularizing westen movie culture. This kind of translation is closely related to the cultural background. This thesis aims at, through analyzing the characteristics of movie titles, showing that the interrelated translations own not only informative, vocative, aesthetic functions but its unique influence. Meanwhile, there exist many critical issues which we may manage to conquere. So some different translation theories and laws will be mentioned to support and direct it. The writer of this thesis tries to understand those basical features of titles’ translation from the perspectives of parsing and integration, to present the close-up view, to acquaint with the translation laws and to recognize the existing problems in this field.
Key words: movie title translation; function; characteristics; theories; existing problems.
摘 要:电影,作为一种独特的艺术表现形式,集艺术性与商业性于一体。而电影片名作为电影的重要组成部分,本身亦具备向观众传达信息、激发观众观看兴趣及表现美感等功能。本文将从电影片名特点和功能入手,通过范例分析来探讨片名翻译的常见方法和原则。