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Abstract: With the development of society and economy of the world, advertising plays a more and more important role in modern society. The very aim of advertising is to promote the product that they publicized. To realize the purpose, advertising language should be attractive. Attractive advertising language always applies rhetorical devices to get people’s attention. Pun is one of the most effective rhetorical devices used in advertising language. When applying puns in advertising language, advertisers always flout the Cooperative Principle, which is proposed by American linguist philosopher Grice to make advertising language more charming. And this thesis aims to analysis the application of puns in advertisements from the perspective of Cooperative Principle, in order to help consumers understand the implied meaning of those advertisements and then avoid being tempted into buying some products which are in poor quality or they don’t need.

Key words: advertising language; pun; the Cooperative Principle


摘要:广告作为一种特殊的文体, 有着其特有的语言风格。双关语是广告语言中常见的修辞手段,本文认为双关语的使用可以使广告的内容含蓄且丰富,增强广告的表现力和艺术性,刺激消费者的购买欲望,从而达到销售产品的目的。合作原则是指导正常言语交际的一项语用原则,但是对于丰富多变的语言环境,合作原则却有一定的局限性。在某些情况下,违反合作原则却能获得更积极的语用效果,因此而被交际者所接受。双关语,便是违背合作原则这种语用策略的成功运用。双关语通过违背合作原则以达到其目的。本文通过从语用学的合作原则角度对广告实例进行分析,从而帮助消费者理解广告的深层含义,有效的识别欺骗性广告。

关键词:广告语言; 双关语; 合作原则