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Abstract:Tourism as the tertiary industry is developing continuously, and it attracts a large number of foreign visitors every year. Tourist texts as one form of promotion are designed to provide information and attract foreign visitors, so the translation of tourist texts is crucial to the development of tourism. The aim of translation of tourist texts is to publicize Chinese culture and arouse foreigner's visiting interest mainly through the introduction of tourist attractions. So it has a very strong purpose. Skopostheory points out that translation is a purposeful human communicative activity. It breaks the shackles of traditional translation theory of "equivalence" and broadens the idea of translation studies. It also stresses the Skopos Rule, and points out the direction of translation of tourist texts. This article will first briefly introduce Skopostheory and analyze its basic content and standards. Then based on the characteristics of tourist texts, it will explore the guiding role of Skopostheory and sum up some effective translation strategies, such as addition, omission etc. Next, these translation strategies will be put in actual practice. In the end conclusion is made about the value of Skopostheory in translation of tourist texts.

Keywords: Skopostheory; translation of tourist texts; translation strategies; translation practice


