Abstract: With the globalization of world economy, especially with China’s entry into World Trade Organization, a growing number of people in China have realized the importance of good trademarks in promoting sales and cultivating markets. It is therefore not only necessary but urgent to study trademark names and the trademark translation is upgraded to a new level. But due to the great cultural and linguistic differences between China and West, there are some difficulties in trademark translation. Then, in this paper, apart from some general knowledge about trademarks, some specific mistranslations are given. What’s more, in order to avoid the problems in translation, some common solutions including Transliteration, Free Translation, Hybrid Translation are provided. And some general principles of trademark translation are given for a better trademark translation.
Key words: trademark translation; mistranslations; solutions; principles
摘要:伴随着经济的全球化和中国加入世贸组织,人们越来越多地意识到:在产品销售过程中,翻译得当的商标发挥着重要作用。研究商标是一项必要而紧迫的任务,同时商标的翻译也提升到了一个新的高度。但由于中外文化及语言差异巨大,商标翻译存在一定难度。就此,本文在阐述商标常识的基础上, 给出了一些具体的商标翻译不当的例子。并就此,拟出一些避免翻译不当的对策,包括最常用的音译法、意译法以及音意兼译法。同时,简要地归纳一些商标翻译中应遵循的原则,以求翻译能够尽善尽美。