Abstract: This paper discusses the ways and reasons the of speech use in English news reporting by using some pragmatic theories.It solves the questions in a certain sense that what’s the pragmatic motivation of speech use and how to properly use it in English news reports. It arrives a conclusion that it is an inevitable trend to analyze the speech from the syntactic level to discourse level through by using of pragmatics theories. And the use of speech is a pragmatic choice and a communication tactics.
Key words: news speech; pragmatic effectiveness; pragmatic motivation; discourse level
摘要:本文运用语用学理论,探讨英语新闻报道中引语的使用方式和原因, 在一定意义上解决了英语新闻中引语的语用理据是什么、如何恰当使用新闻引语的问题。本文结论认为将引语从句法层面引向语篇层面进行分析,是充分运用语用学理论的一个必然趋势。同时证实新闻引语的使用是一种语用选择,是记者为了顺应其新闻报道而采用的一种交际策略的观点。
关键词:新闻引语; 语用效果; 语用理据;语篇层面