ABSTRACT:Nathanial Hawthorne is an extremely renowned American writer. He not only has created quiet a few classic novels, but also has written quantities of thought-provoking short stories. Until now, Hawthorne and his works have been the focus of discussion from the Chinese and foreign scholars. The theme of The Scarlet Letter is characterized by multiplicity and various conclusions are drawn in the filed of the thematic studies. It seems that scholars have shown major concern with such diathesis as the original sin, the moral consciousness of Hawthorne, religious belief, individual and society, thoughts of female doctrine and the conflict between the head and the heart. However, only a few scholars have studied it from psychological perspective. Therefore, through applying Freud’s psychology theories of id, Ego and superego to interpret the different fate of main characters, this paper aims to reveal the inner causes of their different fate and offer a new perceptive for better understanding of The Scarlet Letter.
Keywords: ego; id; superego; balance
摘要:纳撒尼尔.霍桑是美国非常著名的小说家。他不仅创造了若干部经典的长篇小说, 而且还书写了数量可观且耐人寻味的短篇小说.至今为止,霍桑和他的作品一直是中外学者讨论的对象。《红字》是霍桑的代表作品,它的主题具有多样性的特点,因此在主题研究领域存在各种不同的结论。大部分学者偏重于探讨小说中的原罪意识、霍桑的道德观念、宗教信仰和女性主义思想、个人与社会的关系以及大脑和心灵之间的冲突等因素, 而从心理学的角度分析的深入研究的并不多见。因此,本文运用弗洛伊德精神分析理论中的自我、超我和本我来解析小说中男女主人公的不同命运,揭示出造成主人公不同命运的主要原因,为读者更好地解读这部经典小说提供一个新的视角。