Abstract:With the development of globalization and frequent trade between countries, bilingual speakers who are both academic professionals and language specialists, are in need in various sectors. Under this circumstance, CBI has been increasingly studied recently. However, this kind of instruction has already existed in missionary schools and new type schools in Late Qing Dynasty. Similar to CBI, they instructed special academic subjects in foreign language, viewing language as a medium for learning the content of professional technology. It was of great importance in the cultivation of bilingual professionals.
Aiming at the study on the typical features of this education in Late Qing Dynasty, this thesis begins with academic background of CBI in Late Qing Dynasty. To present a detailed analysis, a case study of Foochow Naval Academy follows, including the study of its background, curriculums, teachers and students, distinctive features in instruction, assessment and achievements. Based on historical materials, domestic and foreign studies of CBI, it comes to the conclusion that CBI did exit in Late Qing Dynasty and proved rather effective in language application and developing professional capacity. As a pioneer in bilingual cultivation, its success lied in the emphasis that education was a combined learning of school education and practicum, and Chinese was as important as English.
The purpose of this dissertation is to bring forth some valuable implications in the theoretical studies and practical application of CBI in China.
Key words: CBI; Late Qing Dynasty; bilingual professionals; practicum
关键词: CBI;晚清;双语人才;实践课程