Abstract: Poetry is the gem of a nation’s culture, which is richer in profound cultural connotation than any other literary form. Therefore cultural context constitutes one of the greatest challenges in rendering a poem. This paper, through comparing the cultural differences of China and English-speaking countries, discusses some strategies for handling cultural elements and eradicating the cultural barriers. The author concludes that the key steps in achieving sublimation lie in the following aspects: 1) the perfect combination of beauties in sense, sound and form; 2) the full reserve of exotic flavor; 3) the reproduction of the beautiful imagery.
Key Words: poetry, translation, cultural context, cultural barrier, sublimation
摘要: 诗歌是一个国家的文化瑰宝,它所承载的深厚文化内涵是其他文学体裁无法比拟的。因此文化意境是诗歌翻译的最难点。本文试从比较东西方文化之间的差异入手,探讨如何采用相应的策略来处理诗歌翻译中的文化因素,消除文化障碍,使译文最终达到化境,并得出结论:使诗歌翻译臻于化境的关键,在于音、形、意的完美结合,原文情调的完整保留及原文意境的完美再现。
关键字: 诗歌,翻译, 文化意境,文化障碍,化境