Abstract:This thesis is aimed at giving a brief analysis of verbal irony from the perspective of Sperber and Wilson’s Relevance Theory, using corpus in The Big Bang Theory, one of the most popular English sitcoms in the world at present. In the process of analysis, this thesis will focus on using echoic-interpretation theory of irony and the relevance-theoretic approach to context and mutuality to explain the realization and understanding of verbal irony. Through analysis of verbal irony in The Big Bang Theory, some conclusions can be made: Relevance Theory has strong explanatory power and feasibility to verbal irony in sitcoms. It provides a new perspective for verbal irony study. In addition, the Relevance Theory plays an important role in explaining the realization and understanding of verbal irony. Based on the study, we can gain a better understanding of verbal irony and the Relevance Theory. The thesis will help people ,in the final analysis, know how to use verbal irony better in daily communication and understand why verbal irony are frequently used and the motives for people to use it.
Key words: Verbal irony; Relevance theory; English sitcom: The Big Bang Theory
1. Introduction1
2. Literature Review.2
2.1 Verbal Irony
2.2 Relevance Theory
2.3 Verbal Irony in the Relevance-Theoretic Framework: The Echoic-interpretation Theory of Irony
3. Analysis of Verbal Irony in The Big Bang Theory.5
3.1 Introduction of The Big Bang Theory
3.2 Analysis of Verbal Irony in The Big Bang Theory
3.2.1 Direct or Immediate Echoes
3.2.2 Echoes of Attributed Thoughts
3.2.3 Echoes of Norms or Standard Expectations
3.3 Findings and Discussion8
4. Conclusion10
Acknowledgements 12