Abstract:In foreign trade business, foreign trade correspondence plays a role of establishing business relations, conveying business information and conclude deals. With the development of the society and foreign trade, FTC is becoming more and more important. Decent foreign trade correspondence is not only able to achieve the purpose of exchanging information but also to establish a good corporate image, further promote the development of the business. Analysis of the interpersonal grammatical metaphor in foreign trade correspondence can help people with better understanding and writing of FTC. Based on Halliday’s grammatical metaphor theory, this study applies it to foreign trade correspondence to analyze the manifestations and functions of interpersonal grammatical metaphor in FTC from metaphors of mood and metaphors of modality.
This paper is divided into five chapters. The first chapter includes the background of this paper, the description of FTC and the structure of this paper. The second chapter introduces the present study of interpersonal grammatical metaphor at home. The third chapter focuses on grammatical metaphor theory and interpersonal grammatical metaphor theory. The fourth chapter is the focus of this paper, analyzing the manifestations and functions of the interpersonal grammatical metaphor in FTC, pointing out that using interpersonal grammatical metaphor can reduce the certainty of the writer’s statement to avoid imposing his ideas on the other or make the judgment and affirmation of the writer to be objective and make foreign trade correspondence more polite. The last chapter is a conclusion, which summarizes the findings and shortcomings of this paper, provides a reference to future study.
Keywords: interpersonal grammatical metaphor mood modality FTC
Chapter One Introduction-1
1.1 The Background of This Paper-1
1.2 Foreign Trade Correspondence-1
1.3 The Structure of This Paper-2
Chapter Two Literature Review-3
2.1 General Statement-3
2.2 The Present Study of This Subject at Home-3
Chapter Three The Theory of Interpersonal Grammatical Metaphor-5
3.1 Grammatical Metaphor-5
3.2 Interpersonal Grammatical Metaphor-5
3.2.1 Metaphors of Mood-6
3.2.2 Metaphors of Modality-7
Chapter Four Interpersonal Grammatical Metaphor in FTC-9
4.1 Manifestations and Functions of Metaphors of Mood in FTC-9
4.1.1 Command Realized by Interrogative Mood-9
4.1.2 Command Realized by Declarative Mood-9
4.1.3 Question Realized by Declarative Mood-10
4.2 Manifestations and Functions of Metaphors of Modality in FTC-10
4.2.1 Explicitly Subjective Orientation in FTC-10
4.2.2 Explicitly Objective Orientation in FTC-11
Chapter Five Conclusion-13
5.1 Summary of This Paper-13
5.2 Shortcomings of This Paper-13