Abstract: Drama is not only an important genre of literature, but also a performing art. Like most playwrights, translators have the same purpose of translation for ultimate performance on the stage. The performance-oriented drama translation not only determines the effect of performance on the stage, but also have an effect on culture transfer between west and east. Because performability has a significant meaning in drama translation, so this paper studies the performability in Ying Ruocheng’s English version of Teahouse from the skopos theory. For the purpose of performability, the translator should consider how to ensure not only better performance on the part of actors, but also better understanding on the part of the audience.
Key words: drama translation; Ying Ruocheng; Teahouse; skopos theory
1. Introduction-1
1.1 Introduction of Ying Ruocheng-1
1. 2 Previous Study on Teahouse and the English Version Translated by Ying Ruocheng-2
2. Drama and Drama Translation-4
2.1 Drama-4
2.2 Drama Translation5
3. Skopos Theory-7
3.1 Definition of Skopos Theory7
3.2 Main Rules of Skopos Theory-7
4. Analysis of Ying Ruocheng’s English Version of Teahouse with Skopos Theory9
4.1 Manifestation of Speakability-9
4.2 The Mainfestation of Actability-13
4.3 Main festation of Intelligibility15
4.4 Summary17
5. Conclusion18