Abstract: As one of the greatest novelists in American modern literary history, Willa Cather (1873-1947) is the first woman writer deeply involved in the description of the pioneers’ spirit in cultivating the vast prairie of the middle-west. In recent decade, there are some studies that touch on the theme of growth from the feminist aspect. However, the studies related to the theme of growth do not go further into the social and practical significance of the novel. This essay concerns on the theme of growth and self-actualization in O Pioneers in terms of Maslow’s need hierarchy theory, focusing on Alexandra’s satisfactions of different levels of needs and evaluating her development. Maslow’s need hierarchy theory indicates that individual’s behavior is motivated by the five layers of needs, and the gratifications of needs parallel with and influence one’s growth and self-actualization. Especially, the theory of self-actualization is a rational enlightenment and so significant for people’s growth as well as pursuit of the final aim.
Key words: growth; self-actualization; O Pioneers; Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory
1. Introduction to Willa Cather and O Pioneers-1
2. Literature Review-2
2.1 Research on O Pioneers at Home and Abroad-2
2.2 Humanistic Psychology and Maslow’s Theory-4
3. Alexandra’s Growth and Self-Actualization in O Pioneers-5
3.1 Alexandra’s Growth-5
3.1.1 Physiological Need in the Process of Growth-6
3.1.2 Safety Need in the Process of Growth-7
3.1.3 Need for Love and Belonging in the Process of Growth-9
3.1.4 Need for Esteem in the Process of Growth-10
3.2 Alexandra’s Self-Actualization-11
3.2.1 The Manifestation of Alexandra’s Self-actualization-11
3.2.2 Alexandra’s Self-actualization in Contrast with Frank’s Predicament of Self- actualization-13
4. Factors Driving Alexandra’s Growth and Self-actualization-14
4.1 Factors Driving Alexandra’s Growth-14
4.1.1 Inner Need-14
4.1.2 Outer Stimulation-15
4.2 Factors Driving Alexandra’s Self-actualization-16
5. Conclusion-18