Abstract: Symbolism is the typical artistic method adopted in the novella Heart of Darkness. Joseph Conrad employs a lot of symbols to revel the major characters’ psychologies and the novella’s profound themes. So, he is recognized as one of the forerunners of modern writer. This thesis mainly analyzes the symbolic meanings of “heart”, “black”, “white” and Marlow’s journey, so that the readers can not only have a vivid picture of the character’s psychological changes, but also have a serious introspection on the profound and various themes, for example, the hypocrisy, greed and brutality of the imperialism, the corruption of morality and humanity and so on.
The thesis contains five parts. The first part is a brief introduction to symbol, symbolism, the author, the plot overview and the purpose of the thesis.
The second part is an analysis of the symbolic meanings of “heart”. Geographically, “heart” indicates the desolate and uncivilized African hinterland, and more specifically indicates the Inner stations. Ethically, it indicates the greed and cruelty in Kurtz’s heart.
The third part is an analysis of the symbolic meanings of the color “black” and “white”. “Black” symbolizes the primitiveness of the African jungle and the savagery of the black people. They are ignorant and barbaric, and they are unaware of their enslavement. “Black” symbolizes the fear of the African natives. “Black” also symbolizes evil and brutality of the Europeans. Kurtz loses self-restraints in his desire for wealth and power, so he degrades into a savage from a civilized man.
The fourth part is an analysis of the symbolic meanings of Marlow’s journey. On the one hand, it is a journey of moral discovery as Marlow travels from civilization to the wilderness. On the other hand, it is a journey of self discovery. Marlow discovers the hypocrisy, greed and brutality of the European colonists. He also discovers that he has the potential to corrupt just like any European whites. Marlow’s self discovery is reflected on his mental changes, especially on his changing attitude towards Kurtz. Marlow discovers the possible reasons for Kurtz’s corruption and then he has a different view of himself and of life.
Keywords: symbols Heart of Darkness black and white self discovery self-restraint
1. Introduction-1
2.The symbolic meanings of “heart”-4
2.1 The geographical meaning of “heart”-4
2.2 The ethical meanings of “heart”-5
The greed and cruelty in Kurtz’s heart-5
2. The symbolic meanings of the color “black” and “white”-7
3.1 The symbolic meanings of “black”-7
3.2 The symbolic meanings of “white”-10
3. The symbolic meanings of Marlow’s journey up the Congo River-11
4.1 The moral journey from civilization to wilderness-11
4.2 A journey of self discovery-12
4.3 Marlow as a wise man-16
4. Conclusion-16