Abstract:English curriculum standards has proposed clear demand on language skill
such as listening, speaking, reading and writing. Writing , as an expression tool, has accompanied the language learning process all the time and has closely combined with listening, speaking and reading. Also , English writing is a critical language skill and an important method to balance students’ language ability and language level. At the same time , English writing is a significant language output skill. Writing is the most difficult skill to acquire and English writing demands large amount of input about listening, speaking and writing. On the grounds that he students’ writing ability is not so good , the teachers have made great efforts to improve the writing ability of the students. English, as a foreign language in China, has its own characteristics. Recitation means a way without doubt for the students to acquire the writing ability and to complete a fluent and appropriate article even without authentic English-speaking environment.
Recitation input can help students to condense their foundation strengthen their English mindset and lay sound foundation for English writing. English learning stresses the importance of recitation and the teachers would guide students to recite effectively by stressing the effective method of reciting.
Recitation input includes reciting vocabulary, grammar, fixed phrases and passages. By recitation, the students can express themselves fluently and properly and thus they can output the language.
This study is based on the second language learning theory of Stephen Krashen and also based on reciting monitor. At the same time, the comparison of the pre-experiment test and the post-experiment test in the study is designed to investigate if language input is beneficial to improve students’ writing skills. Thus the following hypothesis can be made : recitation input can improve students’ writing level. The subject of this study is the 102 students from grade 3 in TianJiaBing junior high school. During the study, before recitation the writer will do a pre-experiment writing test to collect the original data and after the two-month monitor period, the post-experiment writing test will be made to collect the comparable data. At last, the writer will compare and analyze the data from the pre-experiment test and the post-experiment test. Finally it is safe to say that recitation input is helpful in promoting students’ English writing ability.
Key words: recitation input English writing English learning
CHAPTER 1 Introduction-1
1.1 Background of the Study-1
1.2The Purposes And the Significance of the Study3
CHAPTER 2 Literature Review-4
2.1 Recitation, Language Input, Recitation-input And English Writing-4
2.1.2 Relations-5
2.2 Functions , Importance And Impact of Recitation-5
CHAPTER 3 Experimental Methods And Process-6
3.1 Pre-experiment-6
3.2 While experiment-11
3.3 Post-experiment— Analyze the Experimental Data-13
CHAPTER 4 Conclusion-15