ABSTRACT: In reference to exchanges, our first thought is “ languages”, after all, exchanges will never exist without languages. Opening our eyes to the whole world, any kind of language can never exist in an isolated position, including Chinese. Exchanges and cooperation not only stimulate the development of languages, but also change means of expression . Taking about the language’ influences, At this point, as part of language ,English loanwords play a very important role.
On the basis of previous researcher’s achievements, in order to know loanwords better, linguistic knowledge will be employed as the theoretical basis in this thesis, by researching the English loan words under Chinese environment, discussing the methods of loanwords, summarizing the influence of English loan words, and giving some ideas about loanwords. Background, purpose, and significance of the research will be discussed in the first chapter, translation methods of English loan words will be discussed in the second chapter, the influence of English loan words on Chinese will be discussed in the third chapter, attitudes towards English loan words will be discussed in the four chapter, conclusion will be reached in the fifth chapter.
Key words: English loanwords; Chinese; Methods of Translation or Borrowing Loanwords; Influence; Attitudes
1.Methods of translations or borrowing words-2
1.1 Phonetic translations-2
1.1.1 Pure phonetic translation-3
1.1.2 Phonetic-Semantic-3
1.2 Semantic translations-3
1.3 Graphic translations-4
1.4 Borrow with affixes-5
1.5 Borrow with phonetic loan morphemes-5
1.6 Borrow with semantic loan morphemes-5
1.7 Borrow with phonetic semantic loan morphemes-5
1.8 Borrow with letter-word-6
2.The influence of English loanwords on Chinese-6
2.1 The influence on Chinese Morphology System-6
2.1.1 Promoting the diversion of words-7
2.1.2 Leading to Allo-graphic synonyms’ coexistence-7
2.1.3 Promoting the additional morphology-7
2.1.4 Enriching the marking methods of Chinese-8
2.2 The influence on Chinese national culture mentality-8
2.2.1 acceptability, openness and inclusiveness of Chinese national culture mentality-9
2.2.2 seeking something new and special of Chinese national mentality-9
2.2.3 Seeking something beautiful and propitious of Chinese national mentality-10
3.Attitudes towards English loanwords-11
3.1 Using the free translation as the main method-12
3.2 Using different principles in different fields-12
3.3 Trying to use simple characters-13
3.4 Taking loanwords seriously-14