The film Forrest Gump is a classic comedy film by the fusion of diverse American culture. As a branch of films, comedy films have a unique charm and powerful attraction. This paper takes the typical American comedy film Forrest Gump as a study. Through this film, we can not only look back upon the changes of American society in specific historical period, but also truly understand every aspect of American dream. After giving the basic information about the comedy film, the paper analyzes Forrest Gump from the angle of American dream explicating explicitly the equal opportunity, individual liberty and self-reliance as well as positive attitude towards life. The inclusiveness of American dream in the counterculture movement can also be embodied in this film. The analysis of this film helps people have a more comprehensive understanding about American dream and American spirits.
Key words: comedy films; Forrest Gump; American dream; the counterculture movement
1. Introduction-1
2. Literature Review-1
3. Film : Mirror of Culture-3
3.1 Brief History of Comedy Films-3
3.2 Introduction about Forrest Gump-4
4. The Development of American Dream-5
4.1 Definition-5
4.2 History-6
5. The American Dream in the Comedy Forrest Gump-8
5.1 The American Dream Symbolized by Forrest’s Spirit and Achievements-8
5.1.1 Equal opportunity-8
5.1.2 Individualism and self-reliance-10
5.1.3 Positive and optimistic attitude towards life-11
5.2 The Fragmentation and Return of American Dream-12
5.2.1 The counterculture movement-12
5.2.2The inclusiveness of American dream embodied by other main characters-13
6. Conclusion-15
Works Cited-17