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Robert Frost,the four-time winner of Pulitzer Prize, holds a unique position in 20th century American Literature, whose poems are simple but rich in connotations. As a unique modernist poet, Frost inherited traditional poetry style and expressed new content by combining Neo-classical orders with emotional elements in the theme of his poems. He rationally employed emblematic writing to analyze the natural scenery and the everyday life of New England people. His writing technique is humorous but intellectual. Frost persisted in using rhythm to lay a foundation for his poetic divergent creation. When studying his poems, we can feel the fusion of sense and sensibility implied in them. The previous scholars have done a lot of research on his poems, however, the meaningful fusion of intellect and emotion in Robert Frost's poems has been neglected. Therefore, the paper, based on the previous scholars’ studies, attempted to analyze the sense and sensibility of Robert Frost's poems from three perspectives: firstly, the traditional form and modern theme in his poems; secondly, emblemism innovated by Frost himself and lastly, the fusion of sense and sensibility. The analysis of the sense and sensibility will help to bring out the deep meaning of Robert Frost's poems.


Keywords: emblemism; theme; form; sense and sensibility





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-1

3. The “Sense and Sensibility” in Robert Frost's Poems-3

3.1 Traditional Form and Modern Theme-3

3.1.1 Traditional Form-3

3.1.2 Modern Theme-6 The relationship between Human and Nature-6 The relationship between Man and Mankind-7 The relationship between Man and His Inner Self-8

3.2 “Emblemism” in Robert Frost's Poems-9

3.2.1 Natural Images-10

3.2.2 Labor Tools-11

3.3 The Fusion of Sense and Sensibility-12

4. Conclusion-14

Works Cited-15