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English commercial advertisements have seen the market in foreign regions and countries with the gradual integration of the world economy. Many researches have been done about the persuasive style of the advertisements. However, there are few analyses from the perspective of the appraisal theory. This thesis attempts to probe the characteristics and the problem-solution pattern in English commercial advertisements from the perspective of appraisal theory by analyzing some typical English commercial advertisements and to demonstrate the aspect of attitude resources in commercial advertisements. It aims to enrich and deepen the research on advertisements and problem-solution pattern of English commercial advertisements from the perspective of appraisal theory. 


Key words: appraisal theory; attitude; English commercial advertisement





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-1

2.1 The definition and content of appraisal theory-2

2.2The development and influence of English advertisements-3

3. The Features of English Advertisements-4

3.1 The Lexical features of English advertisements-5

3.2 The Syntactic features of English advertisements-6

3.3 The Rhetorical features of English advertisements-6

4.The Problem-Solution Pattern in English Commercial Advertisements from the Perspective of Appraisal Theory...............-7

4.1 The appraisal resources in the ‘problem’ part-7

4.2 The appraisal resources in the ‘solution’ part-8

5. Conclusion-9

Works Cited-11