Khaled Hosseini is an Afghan-born American novelist and physician. A Thousand Splendid Suns is his second book which brings him considerable fame. Based on the eco-feminist theory, this thesis intends to analyze and study Khaled Hosseini’s ecological and feminist consciousness embedded in his novel A Thousand Splendid Suns. The thesis consists of three parts: introduction, body and conclusion. In the introduction, it briefly introduces the author Khaled Hosseini and his novel A Thousand Splendid Suns, and expounds the main content of the ecological feminist theory. The body part mainly concentrates on the analysis of the author’s eco-feminist consciousness from three aspects: the tragedy of female and nature under the oppression of patriarchy, the revenge from female and nature and the interconnection between female and nature. To conclude, Khaled Hosseini criticizes the values of patriarchy and emphasizes the significance of a harmonious society, which reflects his wish for the harmonious relationships among male, female and nature.
Key words: Khaled Hosseini; A Thousand Splendid Suns; the eco-feminist theory; patriarchy
2. Literature Review2
3. The Oppression of Patriarchy3
3.1The tragedy of Mariam and Laila.3
3.2 The destruction to nature.5
4. The Resistance to Oppression.7
4.1The resistance of Mariam and Laila.7
4.2 The revenge from nature9
5. The Interconnections between Women and Nature.10
5.1The similarity of women and nature10
5.2The harmonious relationship between women and nature. .10
Works Cited.13