从中西方文化差异角度浅析美剧《生活大爆炸》 的字幕翻译.doc

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  • 更新时间:2017-10-18
  • 论文字数:5119
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  • 课题来源:(梦溪)提供原创文章




Nowadays, we are in the era of technology and information explosion, in which the frequent exchanges between China and the West are unprecedented, and people have easier access to foreign TV series and movies which have gradually become a part of the entertainment of our lives. In order to make our native people with poor foreign language ability better experience and understand the repertoire, subtitle translation just appeared to serve as an up-to-date tool, and is playing an increasingly important role in the process of Chinese people’s understanding of the world. However, it is unavoidable to appear good and bad translation by Fansub groups, which will affect the dissemination of cultural information. Among those hot season-broadcast episodes, American TV series The Big Bang Theory, which is loved by people from all over the world, always reflects different aspects of culture. This thesis aims to take the subtitle of The Big Bang Theory as example to do case study discussing the advantages and characteristics of the application of the two strategies domestication and foreignization in its subtitle translation. All attempts are made to find advantages and a balance point in the fusion of  strategy application in cultural information transmission. 

Keywords: cultural difference; subtitle translation; domestication; foreignization





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-2

2.1 An overview on subtitle translation-2

2.2 A brief review on domestication and foreignization-3

3. Domestication and Foreignization Strategy in Subtitle Translation of The Big Bang Theory from the Perspective of English-Chinese Culture Difference-4

3.1 Religion-4

3.2 Region-6

3.3 Values and mode of thinking-7

3.4 National psychology and customs-9

4. Conclusion-10

Works Cited-11