The development of language experiences a long process and human consistently studies it along its development. Language is the reflection of objects while objects themselves are vague during the period of transition. So fuzziness is a basic characteristic of language which enables us to express ourselves without the limits of accuracy and communicate more smoothly. Because of differences in national character, culture and mode of thinking, fuzzy language is inevitable in translation. Thus how to grasp and recreate the implication of fuzzy language is very important for understanding the source language.
First, this thesis gives a definition of fuzziness. Then it analyzes the causes of fuzziness from objective and subjective perspectives. After that, a comprehensive study of manifestation and types of fuzzy language enables people to know more about fuzzy language. Finally, it enumerates four strategies with examples as a result of reconciling the contradictions between English and Chinese and conveying complete and accurate information in translation.
Keywords: fuzziness; fuzzy linguistic; causes; strategies of translation
1. Introduction-1
2. Literature Review-1
3. Definition of Fuzziness-2
4. Causes of Fuzzy Language-2
4.1 Objective Causes-2
4.2 Subjective Causes-3
5. Manifestation of Fuzzy Language-4
5.1 Vague Words-4
5.2 Fuzzy Additional Words-4
5.3 Fuzziness in Implicature-5
6. Types of Fuzziness-5
6.1 Fuzziness of Pronunciation and Detonation-5
6.2 Fuzziness of Grammar-6
6.3 Fuzziness of Semantics-6
6.4 Fuzziness of Numerals-7
7. Methods of Translating Fuzzy Language-7
7.1 Literal Translation-7
7.2 Free Translation-8
7.3 Omission-9
7.4 Amplification-10
8. Conclusion-11
Works Cited-12