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This paper focuses on the specific performance and influence of mother language in English writing and how to deal with the negative L1 Transfer. Through previous studies, researchers found the impacts of L1 Transfer are in many aspects such as vocabulary, grammar and culture. According to the current development of writing teaching, there are still some problems remaining to be solved. In order to solve these problems, based on the behavioral learning theory and Krashen’s theory of second language acquisition, the passage will focus on why it happens, the specific performance in vocabulary, syntax and other aspects, as well as the necessity of a correct understanding when faced with negative L1 Transfer. Effective vocabulary learning, the cultivation of the sense of the sentence, the composition of the correct writing frame and necessary foreign language thinking are the efficient measures to deal with the negative L1 Transfer.


Keywords: L1 Transfer; English writing of middle school students; negative           






1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-1

3. Research and Findings-4

3.1 Research on middle school student’s composition-4

3.2 Findings of the research-5

4. Analysis on Students' Writing-7

4.1 The influence on vocabulary-7

4.2 The influence on sentence structure-8

4.3 The influence on discourses-8

5. Strategies on Reducing the Negative Effect-10

5.1 Understanding the original text correctly-10

5.2 Focusing on lexical learning-10

5.3 Using grammar practically when writing-11

5.4 Having bilingual thinking transformation-11

5.5 Learning the difference between two cultures-11

6. Conclusion-12

Works Cited-13