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Abstract: Moby Dick is the representative work of Herman Melville, one of the greatest American novelists of romanticism in the nineteenth century. This paper aims at interpreting Moby Dick in term of symbolic meanings to help readers get a further understanding of the novel. The paper falls into four parts, which first makes a brief introduction to the author and Moby Dick as well as the definition of symbolism. Then the paper explores and analyses the symbolic meanings in Moby Dick so as to help readers get a better understanding of the theme as well as the unique significance of symbolism employed in this novel. Finally, the paper reaches a conclusion that men should be always seeking harmonious coexistence with nature.

Key words: Moby Dick;symbolism;implication





1. Introduction. ..1

1.1 Introduction to Herman Melville

1.2 Introduction to Moby Dick  

1.3 Introduction to Symbolism

1.4 Literature Review

2. Analysis of Symbolic Meanings Reflected in Moby Dick.5

2.1 The Symbolic Meanings of White Whale Named Moby Dick 

  2.2 The Symbolic Meanings of the Captain Named Ahab

  2.3 The Symbolic Meanings of the Whaling Ship Named Pequod and the Sea

  2.4 The Symbolic Meanings of the Relationship Between Ahab and Moby Dick

3. The Significance of Symbolic Device Employed in Moby Dick...9

4. Conclusion

