Abstract: Lots of problems remain to be solved in translating pun of English advertisements. Because of differences in language and culture, preserving the original features of pun is not so easy. Even if we can, the catchy pun will usually become prosaic after being translated into Chinese. With this in mind, the thesis focuses on the translation of puns in English advertisements from the perspective of relevance theory, attempting to rationalize translation skills by illustrating examples. On the basis of the framework, the paper is mainly divided into three parts: part one deals with relevance theory and its relatedness to pun translation; part two on theoretical base, function, category of pun in advertisement; part three a study of pun translation from the perspective of relevance theory.
Key Words: pun translation; relevance theory; maximum relevance; optimal relevance
1. Introduction1
2. Puns in English Advertisement.2
2.1 Theoretical Base for Use of Pun
2.2 Function of Pun
2.3 Categories of Pun
3. A Study of Translation of Pun: Perspective of Relevance Theory6
3.1 Reservation
3.2 Compensation
3.3 Emphasis
3. 4 Chinese Language Resources
4. Conclusion