Abstract: This paper illustrates the example of the slogan of the Nanjing YOG and attempts an analysis of the translation of propagandistic public signs from the perspective of Newmark’s Communicative Translation Theory. The paper proposes a communicative strategy of the original public signs in the translation of propagandistic material. The author believes that the translation should have ample information, be concise and clear and the translators should always try to utilize the relevant standard English, taking into account cultural differences and focusing on the readers’ language customs. Furthermore, in order to adapt to cultural globalization, the author draws a conclusion about the relevance of translation of public signs towards Communicative Translation Theory from the perspective of language differences, cultural distinctions and different translation methods.
Key words: Newmark; communicative translation theory; slogan of Nanjing YOG
1. Introduction.1
1.1 An overview of the study
1.2 The importance of the study
1.3 Thesis
2. Literature Review.2
3. Translation of Public Signs Based on Peter Newmark’s Communicative
Translation Theory .3
3.1 Communicative Translation Theory
3.2 Translation of Propagandistic Public Signs
3.3 Communicative Translation Applied to Translation of Public Signs
3.3.1 Concise and clear translation with ample information
3.3.2 Trying to utilize the relevant standard English
3.3.3 Realizing the cultural differences and focusing on the readers’ language custom
4. Theme Translation in Nanjing YOG under Communicative Translation Theory6
4.1 Features of Nanjing YOG’s Theme
4.2 Translation of the Theme of Nanjing YOG on Communicative Translation Theory
4.2.1 Finding out the intention and the setting of the slogan
4.2.2 Paying attention to the readers of the slogan
4.2.3 Emphasize the translation effect of the slogan
5. The Analysis of Translation of Public Signs with Communicative Translation Theory9
5.1 Considering language differences
5.2 Considering culture distinctions
5.3 Considering different translation methods
6. Conclusion11