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Abstract: This study aims to investigate the application of Nida's functional equivalence theory to the translation of business English vocabulary. Nowadays business English is becoming more and more important in the international economic activities. In the study of business English translation, we are informed that the translation of business English vocabulary is special and particular. So unique translation methods and strategies are necessary. Therefore, this paper first provides business English definition, functions and business English vocabulary features. And then it discusses the function equivalence theory and the relationship between the theory and business English vocabulary translation. Based on the theory, the paper points out three main translation strategies of business English vocabulary to prove the application of the theory: Memory of the Sets of Translation, Flexibility of the Vocabulary Conversion, Understanding of Cultural Differences.

Key words: business English vocabulary; functional equivalence theory; translation strategies





1. Introduction1

2. Literature Review.1

3. Business English Vocabulary.3

  3.1 Definition

  3.2 Function

  3.3 Features

3.3.1 Expertise

3.3.2 Conciseness

3.3.3 Ambiguity

4. The Guiding Theory—Functional Equivalence.5

  4.1 Definition

  4.2 Contribution of Functional Equivalence to Business English Translation 

5. Strategies and Cases of Business English Vocabulary Translation7

5.1 Keeping in Mind the Sets of Translation

5.2 Making Flexible Use of Conversion

5.3 Appreciating Cultural Differences

6. Conclusion11

