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Abstract: Jane Eyre, written by the famous English writer Charlotte Bronte, plays an important role in the history of English literature and is deemed as a novel with autobiographical color. This thesis is to focus on the dual personality of the heroine Jane Eyre: on the one hand she is dedicated to the pursuit of truth, goodness and beauty, who appears brave and strong when facing difficulties; on the other hand she is lacking in confidence, who constantly feels inferior and gets tripped by the conservative traditional marriage despite her longing for love. Based on the above analysis, the paper will further probe into the causes of Jane’s personality with reference to her growing background and the extraordinary love between Rochester and her that crosses age and class and thus enable the readers to achieve a better understanding of the heroine

Key words: Charlotte Bronte; Jane Eyre; Dual Personality





1. Introduction.1

1.1 Introduction to the Author

1.2 A Literature Review of Jane Eyre

2. The Dual Personality of Jane Eyre 2

2.1 The Independent and Unyielding Personality

2.2 The Self-contemptuous and Conservative Personality

3. The Causes of Jane’s Personality  .  5

3.1 Growing Background

3.2 The Love for Mr. Rochester

4. Conclusion .11


Acknowledgements 15