Chapter One Introduction.1
1.1 Significance and Purpose of The Thesis.1
1.2 Structure of The Thesis.1
Chapter Two Literature Review.2
2.1 Definitions of Refusal and Refusal Strategies.2
2.2 Pragmatic Theory.2
2.2.1 Politeness Principle.2
2.2.2 Face Theory.3
2.3 Previous Studies on Refusal Abroad3
2.4 Previous Studies on Refusal at Home .4
Chapter Three Comparative Study of Refusal Expressions in English and Chinese5
3.1 Refusal Expressions in English.5
3.1.1 Direct Refusal5
3.1.2 Indirect Refusal.5
3.2 Refusal Expressions in Chinese7
3.2.1 Direct Refusal8
3.2.2 Indirect Refusal.8
3.3 Similarities and Differences in English and Chinese Refusal Languages.-8
3.3.1 Similarities .8
3.3.2 Differences10
3.4 Analyses from Cultural Perspective.10
3.4.1 The Differences Between Chinese and English Cultural Scripts10
3.4.2 Indirectness vs Directness.11
Chapter Four Conclusions-12
4.1 Summary 12
4.2 Limitation.12
In daily life, we will receive various invitation and suggestions, but it is impossible for us to accept all these without any refusal. In this sense, appropriate refusal means respect for the other. Polite refusal cannot only avoid hurting other people’s feelings, but also doing a great favor to develop relationships. Chinese and English both contain refusal in its own language system. Grasping the difference and similarity between these two languages’ refusal expression is necessary for Chinese learners of English.
Based on the analyses on the comparison between Chinese and English refusal, this thesis expounds the differences and similarities in detail. The similarities are that both languages have direct and indirect refusal, and both prefer the latter one. From the point of politeness principle and face theory, both languages give the reason of refusal. The differences are that Chinese is more general and vague reason for refusal, while English tends to give a specific reason. In the refusal strategies, different Chinese words and sentences with the same meaning are used for different people, while title is less used in English. The principal reason for that situation lies in the diverse cultural backgrounds and lifestyles.
This thesis consists of four parts. The first part expounds this thesis’ purpose and significance and this study’s current related situation; the second part introduces the basic structure of this thesis and the main concept of refusal and refusal strategies; the third part analyses the differences and similarities between Chinese and English refusal and gives the reason of the difference and similarity; the last part is the conclusion.
Key Words: refusal refusal Strategy indirect refusal politeness principle